We’re so excited you’re joining our CTAP family! Please visit this link to register your student(s) for future CTAP class/show enrollment.
The reason we require undergarments for every student is to make it possible for them to change in and out of costumes quickly in a large room with lots of people. There is not enough time for students to wait in line for the privacy of a bathroom.
Knowing that, please make sure your child is well covered and comfortable in their undergarments. They cannot be too baggy or they will not fit under costumes and they should not be too tight so that your child does not feel uncomfortably exposed.
Time to get your show box ready! Each cast member needs a box, clearly labeled with their name, to keep their show supplies in. This box will go to and from the theater with each cast member every day of tech week and shows.
This committee works with all the kids as they get into character for the show. It might be as simple as organizing the kids in groups so they can have their make-up put on or helping costumes make sure every bow is correctly tied and hats are in place. Those of you who enjoy creating characters with face make-up or working with make-up, in general, might have the opportunity to work with specific groups or characters whose make-up has been designed by our artists or have an opportunity to design something yourself.
If you enjoy working with people and meeting the needs of people trying to get seats for the show, your committee chair will show you the ins and outs of selling tickets from our box office with a smile. This is a great place to put names with faces and get to know new folks.
Fantastic opportunity to get to know people and practice your communication skills. Your team lead has lots of experience and will have you confident in all it takes to greet and usher at the theater in no time.
If you really like kids, this is a great opportunity! The green room is a place where they wait to go on stage. However, that is just the beginning. This is where our kids meet and greet during tech week, do homework, and play games that do not include anything electronic. They talk and share (in their quiet voices, of course) and make new friends. This is the hub of activity and energy. We need people who do not mind shushing and loving at the same. A time to pray with them and lend a listening ear. You need to be ready to put band-aids on boo-boos and be another mom during our time at the theater. This is not a place for the faint of heart, but the rewards are immense. It is so great when you pick your kids up at class and can greet the students and really know them.
On this committee, you are assigned a special area backstage to watch out for our young people and backstage workers. During tech week, you get your assignment from your leaders and your schedule for the shows. You will not need to work every show, but you must be available for some shows. The great part of being on this team is that you really get to see what happens backstage during the performance and learn how you can help our cast succeed. You need to have a strong personality and love to encourage your young friends to move toward success both on the stage and in their lives. You watch over the crew as well as the actors. You are there to help the backstage managers to negotiate how to keep our excited cast quiet and follow the rules before they hit the stage. The fine balance of not squelching the excitement but setting a firm hand on the attitudes and responsibilities of our young people can be challenging. Still, your team leaders and the backstage managers are there to help.
Here, we have the opportunity to serve physically and to tell the truth; it is a blast. You will come to the theater a bit early and help arrange our table of goodies and be ready to sell our delicious treats to willing and waiting audience members. If you like food service and enjoy visiting with the guests, this is for you.
Here we go!!!! This is the place for organized creatives to make dreams a reality. If you sew; a little or a lotta, we can really use your help. If you love to organize, we got you. If you love kids and have the gift of encouragement, there is a place for you. If putting outfits together and blending colors and fabrics comes easy, you will find a home here with some great ladies who always seem to be laughing. That could mean many things… the cool thing about this committee is that you can do things at home and bring them back to our illustrious leader. So many opportunities and so little time.
My personal favorite committee of all time. Another place to let your creativity shine. We make and purchase awesome theme-oriented special memories that the cast and families, along with our patrons, can purchase to keep as a reminder of what a great time they had at the production. Our team leader loves to craft and has a plethora of wonderful ideas on how to make our special activities table come alive in the lobby to set the pre-stage before we even open the curtain. This is a great place if you enjoy crafts and love selling boutique-style items. All the money we make at our table goes directly to our special funds that bless our hardworking young performers. What a wonderful experience for all!
As an explanation of how we all work together, this committee is a perfect example of how we work as a team to create props and small set pieces, even some costume items, for our shows. As we move forward, helping our shows come to life, sets, props, and costumes find ways to create items that blend together to make our production cohesive. If you enjoy painting, gluing, and wielding a hammer from time to time (in the building process only), this could be a great place for you. Tech week is an important time for our props committee and the taking turns during the show to watch our prop table and teach our performers the importance of putting props back where they were placed at the top of the show. It is a great place to work with both adults and kids and see how the show is put together.
Each of our six shows allows our patrons to purchase raffle tickets for a beautiful, themed basket. The proceeds go back into our CTAP show earnings so we can go forward with some ideas to strengthen our program. As a member of this committee, you will need to be available for shows at intermission so that you can instruct our raffle ticket sellers and work hand in hand with Special Activities.
This committee needs a couple of people who like to talk to others about our organization and put together ads that we can put in our program to help offset the costs and introduce old and new businesses to our patrons. This special committee only needs a few folks, but those who sign up need to feel comfortable in sales.
We offer a myriad of classes and camps that are designed to introduce and foster a love
of the arts for your child. These camps and classes all have something to offer to help
create more confident performers in a safe and loving environment.
Photos of the cast and stage performances are available for purchase.
Gallery Password: ctaptheater
Keep track of your cast members progress on ticket sales.
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